Swan Hills – Great riding. Groomed last week. Trail & snow to Harold’s Hut is good. Snow is a bit skinnier on the East end trails toward Kidney Lake and Boy Scout area. Approx 18″ of snow. The Goose Tower area is fairly packed down by sleds. We have had above 0c temps for about a week during the day, but snow is holding up.
Fox Creek – Spring riding trails are holding up, but with warm temps and wind the snow is going. 12-18″ of snow on the trails. Trail to Eagle and Harold’s Hut is good.
Whitecourt – Spring riding conditions – warm temps, wind and low snow.
North Side: Snow is skinny (6-12″) on the north trail system. Chickadee Burner to Virginia Hills has decent snow. All trails are rideable, but ride cautiously in these lower snow areas. There is NO Access into town, due to the river being open. The Eagle River Casino has gas, but the restaurant is not open due to COVID regulations. Bring fuel and food provisions. The Eagle River Staging Area is open but is not a secured area for parking during the day or night. Beware of logging on trail from Carson Cabin to Freeman. Please Note: Carson Trail from #6 to #9 has not been cleaned or filled. (it’s not on the Triangle but a cut across trail).
South Side: Snow is 6-12″ on south side. Bessie and Manweiller and to the Athabasca River are decent riding. Summit Cabin to Tom Hill has snow, but has not been groomed.